
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TouchPoint
Physical Name : LU_TCH_PNT

A Touchpoint is the interface of a product, service or brand with customers, non-customers, employees and other stakeholders before, during and after a transaction respectively. The concept of a touchpoint applies to business to consumer as well as business to business markets. Examples of TouchPoints include: PUBIC_REL RADIO_TV_BILLBOARD WORD_OF_MOUTH ONLINE_ADS VIRAL_EMAIL DIGITAL_BILLBOARD SEARCH_ENGING LANDING_PAGE BLOG SOCIAL_WEB_SITES DIRECT_MAIL STORE CALL_CENTER E_STORE_WEB_SITE MOBILE IM_CHAT CALL_CTR_IVR PROMO_ON_INVC

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TouchPointID (PK) Token ID for a given touch point. ID_TCH_PNT Identity integer
TouchPointName The business name for a touch point NM_TCH_PNT DescriptionShort varchar(255)
PhysicalDigitalCode Indicates if this touch point is physical or digital. CD_PHY_DGTL Code varchar(20)
ManagedTypeCode Code that indicates if this touch point is managed by the retailer or not. CD_MGD_TYP Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TouchPoint is used by Channel

Logical Views containing TouchPoint

Logical View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended
Logical 07017 - Consumer-Customer Lifecycle Context View
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 10400 - Enterprise - Channels